Dynamic Wealth Strategies Made to Reinforce Your Family Legacy


We believe our clients, the affluent and the elite earners, require investment strategies that are more potent in thought and ambitious in execution.

While we provide the types of services you might expect, we also specialize in those you may not have considered or heard of — with associated results we and our clients are proud of.

Visually, your partnership with us looks like this. In short, you are the top priority of everything we do.

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Some Examples of Services and Their Potential Outcomes Are As Follows.

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Advice & Planning


These are the building blocks of any investing strategy. But in the case of significant wealth, they need to be structured with greater care.

  • Investment and Estate Planning
  • Education Planning
  • Retirement Planning and Distribution Planning
  • Tax Planning

Case Study: An automobile services owner with multiple locations might need guidance establishing a fair estate plan for his blended family. Part of this would consist of considering his significant real estate holdings and offers from potential buyers of his business.

How We Could Help: We would bring in outside professionals who could consult with him on best practices for his circumstances. Our goal would be for the entrepreneur’s situation to be resolved promptly and, more importantly, to his satisfaction. These efforts could produce a backdrop for his further consideration as he would continue to receive attractive offers. We would try to help to separate the personal family issues from this business legacy.

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Family Wealth & Culture Services


The wealth of affluent families holds great potential — and that potential might be perpetuated with comprehensive services we can provide access to through Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.

Some of these services include:

  • Family Stewardship/Skills Development — These educational sessions help prepare next generations to communicate and manage wealth responsibly
  • Family Philanthropy Advice & Planning — You will receive guidance to help identify your family’s values and passions, assistance facilitating effective ways to work together and defining your family’s mission and giving plan
  • Private Foundation Life Stages — You will receive guidance to advance your social impact goals, from helping define your vision to goal setting for operations and even enhancing business strategies with corporate citizenship

Case Study: Three patriarchs of a well-known Oil and Gas business may want to train their sons to extend the company’s significant growth in drilling, land maintenance and water services. Of equal importance is preserving the family’s culture and values.  Additionally, the current generation might be encouraging their successors to diversify into more liquid investments as they consider the future of the energy and fossil fuel sector. 

How We Could Help: We would facilitate ongoing dialogue between both generations to strengthen the alignment of family history with that of industrial opportunity and an eye towards growth.

Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. (“the Bank”) offers various banking, advisory, fiduciary and custody products and services, including discretionary portfolio management. Wells Fargo affiliates, including Financial Advisors of Wells Fargo Advisors, may be paid an ongoing or one-time referral fee in relation to clients referred to the Bank. In these instances, the Bank is responsible for the day-to-day management of any referred accounts.
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Investment/Asset Management


When appropriate, we enhance your portfolio with positions in alternative investments and Social Impact Investing to potentially generate outsized gains:

  • Asset Allocation
  • Tax Minimization
  • Risk Management

Case Study: A large developer may have a desire to create a liquid asset portfolio to complement real assets. 

How We Could Help: We would open personal accounts for each of the two business owners and invest in our PIM portfolios for long-term growth.
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Business Owner Advisory Services


Many think wealth managers can only help employees. The truth is, wealth managers can help business owners with big-picture thinking and granular strategies to revitalize their company’s financial outlook in many ways:

  • Treasury Management
  • Access to Custom Lending provided by Wells Fargo affiliates
  • Business Structure Evaluation
  • Access to Investment Banking through Wells Fargo affiliates
  • Buy/Sell Agreement Funding
  • Key Person Life Insurance

Case Study: A real estate entrepreneur and business owner may want to maximize the returns associated with the sale of his company.

How We Could Help: We would inform him of the 1031 Exchange process, which could result in a large transaction and increased annual income for the recipients without the immediate taxation.
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Philanthropy & Gifting


From Donor-Advised Funds (DAF) to charitable trusts, we can help you make a bigger difference than you imagined:

  • Charitable Annuities
  • Non-Profit Management
  • Private Foundations
  • Donor Advised Fund
  • Non-Profit Management

Case Study: A widowed client with no heirs may have a need to update her estate plan. She could be especially concerned with who would direct her care upon her incapacitation and hold financial Power of Attorney.

How We Could Help: We would help this client choose a professional care company to step in when appropriate. We would also work with her attorney to establish a living trust naming Wells Fargo as successor trustee to make business decisions on her behalf should she become incapacitated. She could designate charities in her trust and open a DAF to build her charitable contributions. After ongoing education, she might also consider naming the DAF as her estate’s sole beneficiary and adding a legacy provision for distributing the funds to the identified charities over a 10-year period.
Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. (“the Bank”) offers various banking, advisory, fiduciary and custody products and services, including discretionary portfolio management. Wells Fargo affiliates, including Financial Advisors of Wells Fargo Advisors, may be paid an ongoing or one-time referral fee in relation to clients referred to the Bank. In these instances, the Bank is responsible for the day-to-day management of any referred accounts.

How Can We Help Your Specific Situation?

Reach out for an in-depth discussion on how we can help you make significant strides in achieving your investing goals.